After 25-years, join us in celebrating our Final Round!
2014 Golf Tournament InformationOur final Golf Tournament will be held on Friday, June 6, 2014 at the Black Gold Golf Course. We will be awarding scholarships to high school seniors from the Southern California area. These scholarships will be awarded to Asian-American youth who excel in athletics, school and community. Please go to the Scholarship Page (menu bar on top of this page) to download the forms.
Golfers... We will be using Black Gold Golf Course in Yorba Linda. Entry fee ($195/golfer) includes the green fees, cart, goodie bag, lunch buffet, a bucket of range balls and dinner. Please send in the names of all the golfers by May 24th. They can be mailed to our PO Box or FAXED 626-799-6684. Golf Invitation will be mailed in early March. Download the invitation, FAX, Mail or email it in. Non-Golfers...come to the dinner! Visit with “old” friends! Dinner is $50/person. |